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C is a computer language available on the GCOS and UNIX operating systems at Murray Hill and (in preliminary form) on OS/360 at Holmdel.
C lets you write your programs clearly and simply it has decent control flow facilities so your code can be read straight down the page, without labels or GOTO's; it lets you write code that is compact without being too cryptic; it encourages modularity and good program organization; and it provides good data-structuring facilities.
main( ) {
               printf("hello, world");

A C program consists of one or more functions, which are similar to the functions and subroutines of a Fortran program or the procedures of PL/I, and perhaps some external data definitions. main is such a function, and in fact all C programs must have a main. Execution of the program begins at the first statement of main. main will usually invoke other functions to perform its job, some coming from the same program, and others from libraries.

One method of communicating data between functions is by arguments. The parentheses following the function name surround the argument list; here main is a function of no arguments, indicated by ( ). The {} enclose the statements of the function. Individual statements end with a semicolon but are otherwise free-format.

printf is a library function which will format and print output on the terminal (unless some other destination is specified). In this case it prints

       hello, world
A function is invoked by naming it, followed by a list of arguments in parentheses.

The basic conditional-testing statement in C is the if statement:

c = getchar( );
if( c == '?' )
printf("why did you type a question mark?\n");

The simplest form of if is

if (expression) statement

The condition to be tested is any expression enclosed in parentheses. It is followed by a statement. The expression is evaluated, and if its value is non-zero, the statement is executed. There's an optional else clause, to be described soon.

The character sequence `==' is one of the relational operators in C; here is the complete set:

== equal to (.EQ. to Fortraners)
!= not equal to
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to

The value of ``expression relation expression'' is 1 if the relation is true, and 0 if false. Don't forget that the equality test is `=='; a single `=' causes an assignment, not a test, and invariably leads to disaster.

Tests can be combined with the operators `&&' (AND), `||' (OR), and `!' (NOT). For example, we can test whether a character is blank or tab or newline with

if( c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' ) ...

C guarantees that `&&' and `||' are evaluated left to right -- we shall soon see cases where this matters.

he basic looping mechanism in C is the while statement. Here's a program that copies its input to its output a character at a time. Remember that `\0' marks the end of file.

main( ) {
char c;
while( (c=getchar( )) != '\0' )

The while statement is a loop, whose general form is

while (expression) statement

Its meaning is

(a) evaluate the expression
(b) if its value is true (i.e., not zero) do the statement, and go back to (a)

Because the expression is tested before the statement is executed, the statement part can be executed zero times, which is often desirable. As in the if statement, the expression and the statement can both be arbitrarily complicated, although we haven't seen that yet. Our example gets the character, assigns it to c, and then tests if it's a `\0''. If it is not a `\0', the statement part of the while is executed, printing the character. The while then repeats. When the input character is finally a `\0', the while terminates, and so does main.

Text is usually kept as an array of characters, as we did with line[ ] in the example above. By convention in C, the last character in a character array should be a `\0' because most programs that manipulate character arrays expect it. For example, printf uses the `\0' to detect the end of a character array when printing it out with a `%s'.

We can copy a character array s into another t like this:

i = 0;
while( (t[i]=s[i]) != '\0' )

Most of the time we have to put in our own `\0' at the end of a string; if we want to print the line with printf, it's necessary. This code prints the character count before the line:

main( ) {
int n;
char line[100];
n = 0;
while( (line[n++]=getchar( )) != '\n' );
line[n] = '\0';
printf("%d:\t%s", n, line);

Here we increment n in the subscript itself, but only after the previous value has been used. The character is read, placed in line[n], and only then n is incremented.

There is one place and one place only where C puts in the `\0' at the end of a character array for you, and that is in the construction

"stuff between double quotes"

The compiler puts a `\0' at the end automatically. Text enclosed in double quotes is called a string; its properties are precisely those of an (initialized) array of characters.

In C, as in Fortran or PL/I, it is possible to make arrays whose elements are basic types. Thus we can make an array of 10 integers with the declaration
       int x[10];
The square brackets mean subscripting; parentheses are used only for function references. Array indexes begin at zero, so the elements of x are
       x[0], x[1], x[2], ..., x[9]
If an array has n elements, the largest subscript is n-1.

Multiple-dimension arrays are provided, though not much used above two dimensions. The declaration and use look like

       int name[10] [20];
       n = name[i+j] [1] + name[k] [2];
Subscripts can be arbitrary integer expressions. Multi-dimension arrays are stored by row (opposite to Fortran), so the rightmost subscript varies fastest; name has 10 rows and 20 columns.

Here is a program which reads a line, stores it in a buffer, and prints its length (excluding the newline at the end).

       main( ) {
               int n, c;
               char line[100];
               n = 0;
               while( (c=getchar( )) != '\n' ) {
                       if( n < 100 )
                               line[n] = c;
               printf("length = %d\n", n);

As a more complicated problem, suppose we want to print the count for each line in the input, still storing the first 100 characters of each line. Try it as an exercise before looking at the solution:

       main( ) {
               int n, c; char line[100];
               n = 0;
               while( (c=getchar( )) != '\0' )
                       if( c == '\n' ) {
                               printf("%d0, n);
                               n = 0;
                       else {
                               if( n < 100 ) line[n] = c;

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